Your mate from Kungsholmens Gymnasium is getting deported – perhaps…

“It’s freezing but I am a free man entitled to rights and liberty”- was probably 15-year-old Ali’s first thought as he arrived to Sweden last winter. In the article “15 year old sewed his mouth – to be deported” published on September 5th 2012 in the Swedish newspaper Metro1, we read about an Afghani boy who was smuggled through Italy, reaching Sweden, in hope of a brighter future. But what he came to witness was the exact opposite.

Raped at the camp and abused by Italian border police, one would think the boy has experienced the worst of his life’s experiences and would deserve protection in the future. As Ali reached Sweden and applied for Swedish residency, he was denied residency and was ordered to be deported – despite his traumatizing experience getting here – seeing that he is an illegal immigrant. Hearing this news, Ali sewed his mouth together at his accommodation and was sent to the Children and Youths Psychiatry emergency department (BUP-akuten). Only after he sewed his mouth together did the Migration Board try to informally hint the Boarder Police to re-open the boy’s case, because his story made it to the front covers on the newspapers. Many were in favour of Ali staying in Sweden and protested against the decisions being made.

It was September last year when we found out 91-year old Gannas Chyzhevskas was to leave her only daughter in Sweden and be deported back to (no relatives in) Ukraine. The Migration Board thought that, despite the fact that she would live on her own in Ukraine and “air travel is a serious risk to her health”, it would be best if she were deported. The newspapers wrote about her situation. Many got upset and protested against the decisions being made. Tens of people went as far as giving Gannas moral support at the airport before her departure. Her deportation was stopped minutes before the departure of her flight. Her case was to be re-opened but taken over by the Migration Court.

What’s the problem, some wonder? Rules are rules! Follow the law! Deport the traumatized, abused and raped 15-year-old; deport the 91-year-old sick lady to live on her own! What is the problem?

The new, deadly, trend of the Swedish Migration Board- deciding to deport you, until you are mentioned in the news! Why don’t authorities regard humane aspects before deciding? Why are we forbidden to treat fellow humans with respect and dignity as we follow the law? The Migration Board does not allow the slightest integration of sympathy in their decision-making process. Together we are strong, I think to myself when reading about these cases. Together, we can force any unit, authority, office, board, government, regime, party, politician or leader to consider the true value of humanity in the people they deal with. They react when the press is involved. They react when our statuses, likes and shares grow on a certain matter. They react when we tweet our lungs out and hashtag our worries. They react when we stand against injustice. They react when we stand strong and show them what humans can do when cooperating for a good cause. Our words are our greatest weapon: use it correctly and we can save the world- abuse it and we can end humanity.

After thorough analysis of Ali’s case, it is now clear to us that his crime was seeking the pursuit of happiness. It seems Ali was not selfish enough to seek happiness and luxury, but instead, the most basic right of pursuing happiness. Society couldn’t help him. Society refused to let him climb the ladder and start the good struggle towards a happy life. Society refused to give or even sell him the ladder. When Ali got hold of the ladder by his own means and started taking his first steps, he was kicked off the ladder, abused, and blamed for taking own initiative.

Ali and Gannas are no different then you and I. Ali could be my neighbor. Gannas could be my grandmother. It was chance that gave me opportunities.

At Kungsholmens Gymnasium- what would you do if your mate- who needs the most help and support- were to be sent back to the hands of those who traumatized him/her? What would you do if it were decided you are to be sent back to injustice-land? Think twice before supporting decisions. Think twice before supporting absurdity. Instead, help those who receive no help. Become the voice of the voiceless.

Remember, perhaps it’s your mate that is getting deported. Expose the legal crimes.

Dear readers, what are your opinions on care and shelter to illegal immigrants? What do you think about the Migration Board changing their opinions on cases only after it’s been exposed in the news? Share your thoughts below!

Articles concerning the two cases of Ali and Gannas:
The Local:

Stockholm News:

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