
”Jag bor på skolan”

Alla på skolan har förmodligen hört talas om honom. Svärmorsdrömmen med det breda leendet, sociala utskottets ordförande och nu även mannen bakom Kungsholmens hetaste samtalsämne: Vinterfestivalen. Dock känner de flesta antagligen inte till honom som person. Vem är han och vilka mysterier döljer sig bakom hans bländande charm?

It’s Debatable

Unknown to perhaps a large part of the student body, the days from Wednesday to Saturday were very taxing for the 5 excited students elected to represent Kungsholmen in the debate nationals at SSHL (Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket). These brave students are plucky contradictions of the popular phrase,”sleep, grades and a social life. Pick two.”

Skit Night, not so ‘skit’ after all!

THE DRAMA CLUB Shining spotlights. Seductive housewife. Skåne. Last night, the Drama Club kicked off the year at Kungsholmen with style. Eagerly anticipated thanks to the posters and an intriguing trailer, the audience of curious parents and students were treated to a colourful collection of rib-tickling skits, courtesy of the expanding homegrown association.