Auditions for musicals

This upcoming week and the week after the seniors will conduct the auditions for their musical projects. This is a quick reminder for all you guys and gals out there that feel a call towards the artistic! Take notice, the general info below is the producers’ own words.

Name: 1970
Production: Blanca Siljedahl, ES3A
General info: ”1970” is a musical set in, well, 1970. Nine students (five gals and four guys) start their last year of high school in the US and without giving away the plot, it follows their lives and deals with love, loss and growing up. All songs in the musical are by the wonderful Beatles!
Auditions will be held in the dance room next Tuesday, September 11 from 14:00-16:00 and Friday, September 14 from 14:30-17:00.
The audition requires some acting, singing and dancing, but we expect nothing intense and you audition individually, so no pressure! If you feel unsure or just want to chill, feel free to drop by to ask questions and sing some Beatles songs with us! The performance will be in April or May, and we hope to have lots of fun on the way, so come and audition!
We’re looking forward to putting together a great show!

Name: The Breakfast Club
Production: Kevin Sürek, ES3B
General info: Speaking English is necessary. If you think you can act, or someone told you that you could act, or maybe you’ve never tried acting but want to give it a shot, then don’t hesitate to show up for the auditions this Friday, because anybody does actually have a chance at getting a part.
If you haven’t seen the film, that’s fine, you can still Audition, although I recommend seeing it as it is awesome beyond belief, I mean this is a goddamn brilliant masterpiece of a movie.
PROCEDURE! The auditions will be done as such; We will hand out sheets where you sign information about yourself, then we will call you in one at a time, sometimes maybe two-three at a time, and do a part of the script with you, depending on what character you auditioned for; YOU ARE ALLOWED TO AUDITION FOR SEVERAL CHARACTERS.

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