It takes two to debate – one KG student and one loser.
Alongside choral music, KG has a second trademark. Discussing Carnival themes gone wrong, arguing whether love is blind, or having an argument during lunch is somewhat of a national sport at KG. Some people say we do it to make us seem more knowledgeable than we really are, others say it’s because we’re just unappeasable people who hate being wrong. Somewhere along that three-year journey, the Kungsholmen student develops a way of arguing that scares away any teacher, parent or classmate.
Call it whatever you like; deceit, trickery, bending the truth. But nonetheless, there’s no denying that there’s an argument for everything. Just ask that lazy **** in your class who constantly scores A’s after a quick conversation with the professor after each class. Ask the person who convinced the janitor that a broken pinky was enough to get an elevator key. And ask yourself if it’s a coincidence that the same person who won Läroverksfejden’s debate event twice is now commonly known as Kim Jong Love.
We in KDS believe that anyone can become the next Obama. We believe that what begins as a stuttering and insecure first impression can be polished into perfection. We believe in thought-provoking, inspiring and fun discussions to help KG students learn more during one Tuesday afternoon than in one semester of classes.
On Tuesday 17th September at 14:30 (association time), KDS will be hosting their very first open guest lecture for KG students. A Kungsholmen alumnus Klas Wetterberg now returns to tell you about the many benefits and opportunities within the debate community. Revealing the secrets of successful debaters from across the world, the lecture is meant to introduce you to the debate essentials:
- How you as a debater can travel across the globe to meet new friends and future presidents.
- What differentiates a good debater from the ordinary voice of a classmate.
- Why the thrill of standing face to face with a dissenting voice will change you as a person and develop you as a speaker.
How you, after this first glimpse of debate adventures yet to come, can join an association that develops your critical thinking, your rhetoric and your confidence in front of a crowd. And wouldn’t it be nice, for those that don’t have the looks on their side, to convince those around you that love in fact is blind?
Tuesday the 17th is your chance to discover a new association with amazing people. Soon you’ll have the eloquent phrases of a poet. Soon you’ll be giving that class presentation with top marks. And sooner than you might think you’ll be tangoing for two, with losers from all over the world at World Schools Debating Championships ’14 in Thailand.