Why you should apply for the KZINE board


The annual meeting is coming up, and KZINE needs your voice to be heard! It is now time for you to apply to the KZINE board and take over Kungsholmens Gymnasium’s media association. Do you want to be able to influence the thoughts of 1200 students, write articles, make radio and tv programs, take photos or do you just like attention? If your answer to at least one of those questions is “yes”, the KZINE board is the right place for you.

To apply for the board you simply send an email to us, the nomination committee. Our address is valberedning@kzine.se, you may write in either Swedish or English and your application should contain the following:

  1. Who you are and which position you are applying for.
  2. Why you should be chosen to for the role you are applying for.
  3. What you want to achieve by being a part of the board and if you have any specific visions or ideas for KZINE as an association.
  4. Any relevant past experience.

The positions you can run for are:

Treasurer/vice president
Swedish editor in chief
English editor in chief
Photo editor
Radio manager

So who is part of the nomination committee? Well, we are a bunch of KZINE alumnus who can’t let go of what is (in our opinion) the school’s greatest association. Now, let us tell you why we once upon a time applied for the KZINE board.

Nils Jarlöv – ex president of KZINE


Getting involved with KZINE was probably the best thing that happened to me during my time at Kungsholmen. I had just started my first year when one of my newly made friends persuaded me to go with her to the KZINE introduction meeting. The association had been revived from the dead only two years earlier, and it consisted of a website which was only updated every two weeks or so. Half a year later I applied for the secretarial post and together with eight other awesome people I started to create what today is Sweden’s greatest student media association.

KZINE is now so much more than just an information channel of the school. It is a student movement that advocates something that never can be taken for granted: freedom of speech. So if you think you have what it takes to be in the forefront of this movement and take KZINE to even greater heights, do not hesitate to apply to the board!

Molly Fröjdh – ex secretary of KZINE


I applied for the KZINE board back in 2014, when I was a second year student. I always had an interest for KZINE, and I remember my prime days at KG when I first learnt about KZINE. It sounded so fun, so I wrote an article (which I would rather not read at this point, almost four years later) and got involved in the association. I actually thought about applying to the board during my first year, but since I wasn’t sure which position I was interested in, I ended up running for the board a year later. Being a part of the KZINE board was one of the best experiences I had during my time at KG, and having awesome fellow board members to work with isn’t half bad.

So if you’re interested in KZINE, have an interest in writing (and don’t mind being in charge of documents and protocols) and would like to be a part of the board, you should definitely apply for KZINE’s secretarial post. Come on, it’ll be fun!

Hampus Ihd – ex Financial Manager of KZINE/Project leader of KZINE Radio


From my first day at KG I knew that I would engage in KZINE in one way or another. Apart from writing articles, I applied to the position of Financial Manager, one of the best decisions I made at the school. Starting with a challenging economy, it quickly became clear that there was great potential in obtaining money with little effort required. With funds from various organisations, we raised about 50 000 SEK (!) in one year. Being responsible for the economy in a association that actually has money is fun for real.

The money gave us all a chance to develop KZINE. I soon took the initiative to create  KZINE Radio and build a studio. My fellow board members had other great ideas and most of the money we had acquired was spent, wisely of course. This I see as proof that being the financial manager opens more doors than just to the vault. So take my advice, activate yourself in KZINE  in one way or another! Money never sleeps.

Oliver Stenbom – ex webmaster of KZINE


I studied the natural sciences program when I was at KG, and even there the most technically challenging thing I had to do was use a shite 10 year old calculator called a TI 84.

KZINE has the best website at Kungsholmen, ergo, it’s the most technically challenging project to maintain at school. If you’re tired of a dismal school system that’s not teaching you anything about how to use the massive power of the internet, then you should become KZINE’s new webmaster. Previous experience is not required, just the motivation to learn. Oh and then there are another 7 nice people you get to work with.

For more information see: https://www.facebook.com/kzine.kg/posts/1062804507126495:0

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