KZINE’s call to arms

We in the old board wish to thank all of our members, the old and the new, the active ones as well as the hibernating ones, not only for putting up with our blabber for the last year and a half, but also for the more or less constant production of articles that has been sent to us. It has been a great honor to work with such an old and prestigious association that has meant, and still mean, so much for so many.

But enough about us and more about you! As a matter of fact, after the break, the new Kzine board for 2023/2014 will be appointed! Now, I know how many skilled and interested people that has been involved with us and therefore we will have an election committee to nominate the most suitable successors to the current board. But fear not, being interviewed is fun! And if you have what it takes, you just have to spit it to be acknowledged for it!

These meetings/interviews will take place during the first weeks of the spring term and thereafter we will have our Annual Meeting where non-nominees may rally for any position they feel on equal terms with the nominees. If a position lack a competitor at the meeting, the nominee will be appointed as usual. However, observe that bringing friends with no interest of the association with the sole goal of gaining external votes are not only prohibited but also impossible since only members of the Kzine association may vote at the Annual Meeting. More information about the exact details will come closer to the event.

So, do you feel like this is something for you? Would you work as hard as previous boards has done before you in order to keep the Kungsholmen tradition that is Kzine alive and kicking? In that case, send an email about yourself and what position you’re interested in to:


– As the Chairman of the board you need to have the will and the ambitions to lead your fellow members and colleagues in the right direction.


– As the Treasurer you legally need to be 18 or above (sorry freshmen!), but apart from that you also need good organizational skills and perhaps even a sense for numbers.

Editor in Chief

– As the Editor in Chief you are responsible for everything that ends up in the paper and online. Everything that goes on air should have your mark on it.

Co-Editor in Chief/PR

– As the Co-Editor in Chief/PR you are aiding the other Editor whenever his/her hands are full. In the meantime you should be working on Kzine’s promotion in and around school.

Photo consultant

– As the Photo consultant you are responsible to fit every article with a nice image. Also, it is expected of you to attend the events that takes place in school and preserve them for all future with your camera.


– As the secretary, you are the cornerstone of the board. By writing down every meeting’s protocol every move Kzine makes can be traced and kept on record.


– As the Webmaster you control the most powerful tool of information Kzine has at hand, namely our website. Requirements apart from designer skills and an open mind is of course basic knowledge of coding and web design.

Please have your own nominations ready and sent in on the 8th of January at the latest.

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